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Redefining Audience Intelligence

Tunnl is the AI-powered audience intelligence Platform that equips brands, agencies, and associations to find and reach the right people on the right channel efficiently, and we can measure that ROI.

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End-to-End Excellence for Your Campaigns



Hundreds of ready-to-reach prebuilt audiences, custom options, and a self-service Audience Builder allow you to identify your exact audience.

A green outlined icon representing the Tunnl Platform


Determine the right media mix based on our in-platform insights about your target audiences’ demographics, issue stances, media consumption, and more.



With the click of a button, Tunnl will push your audience to your desired addressable platforms and DSPs.



Through our modeling process, Tunnl will help you understand your campaign’s success based on the movement within your audiences.

The Tunnl Platform


  • Reach & Frequency
  • TV Ratings
  • Premier Audience Suite
  • Prebuilt Audience Suite
  • Audience Builder

Linear TV Exposure Insights for Any Audience, On-Demand

With Tunnl's Reach & Frequency solution, measure the total impressions, unduplicated reach, and average frequency of your linear TV campaigns - and your competitors’. 

Local Linear TV Measurement

Gain a granular understanding of the impressions, reach, and frequency of linear TV campaigns among your target audience by media market, sponsor, or creative. 

Exposure-Based Retargeting

Create audiences based on exposure to your or your competitors' linear TV ads in minutes.

Cross-Channel Optimization

Analyze media consumption insights to retarget your exposure-based audiences where they're most likely to see your ads across linear, streaming, and digital.

Reach and frequency measurement in the Tunnl audience intelligence platform

Local TV Ratings for Your Audience, On Demand

The Tunnl platform's new TV Ratings feature offers on-demand audience ratings in any market, enabling targeted planning for your most effective linear campaigns.

Audience-Based Ratings Data

Discover how your audiences split their valuable time among digital, streaming, and social channels.

Local Linear TV Targeting

Analyze local TV ratings to see the best broadcast and cable networks, programs, and dayparts for your selected audiences based on what they’re watching.

Seamless Integration with Media Buying Software

With in-platform rate card matching, seamlessly leverage local audience ratings for programs and dayparts directly in your media buying software.

On-demand local TV Ratings in Tunnl Premium

Reach Top Opinion Makers Directly

Reach the right opinion makers for your campaign message across U.S. finance, healthcare, policy, and technology with the Tunnl platform's Premier Audience Suite.

Premier Audience Suite in Tunnl's audience intelligence platform

Peerless Audience Targeting, Fast

Analyze on-demand insights into demographics and media consumption for hundreds of ready-to-reach audiences curated around top issues, causes, interests, behaviors, and more. Seamlessly activate your Tunnl data in media buying software.

a woman builds her target audience on demand using Tunnl's self-service audience builder

Create Your Own Custom Audiences in Minutes

Build your target audience in minutes autonomously using hundreds of prebuilt audiences and thousands of attributes from Tunnl’s comprehensive data library.

A laptop showing the Tunnl Audience Builder with modules for geographic radius and choosing your audience overlayed on top
  • Media Mix
  • Linear vs. Streaming
  • Paid Media Measurement
  • Earned Media Measurement
  • Custom Audiences

Understand How Your Audience Consumes Media, At-A-Glance

Maximize the impact of your campaign spend with the freshest insights into the media channels that your target audience is most likely to engage with.

Media mix insights in Tunnl's audience intelligence platform

Plan Your Ideal Video Strategy

Determine the ideal video strategy for reaching your target audience with a matrix of their linear and streaming TV viewership preferences.

Linear vs Streaming in Tunnl Plus

Track Audience Exposure to Your Ads on Linear TV

Identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for your paid media campaigns with Tunnl’s timely measurement of every linear ad occurrence your target audience is exposed to related to your industry or cause.

Paid media measurement dashboard in Tunnl's audience intelligence platform

Observe Historical Linear TV Coverage Relevant to Your Campaigns

Tunnl’s earned media measurement dashboards enable you to monitor news coverage of your campaigns’ key issues and topics to empower strategic reputation management and campaign optimization.

a laptop shows a Tunnl earned media measurement dashboard tracking topics including Ukraine, COVID-19, Crypto, Renewable Energy, and more.

Design Exclusive Audiences with Tunnl's Proprietary Process for Maximum Precision

Tunnl’s custom audiences empower you to ask the public questions unique to your campaigns and reach the most precise, relevant audience possible. Add custom audiences to your Tunnl platform subscription to achieve maximally personalized targeting.

Audience Exclusivity

Lock in your competitive advantage with exclusive insider data on your custom target audience.

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Custom Survey Design

Work with microtargeting experts to draft custom questions for quarterly surveys that ensure your audience in constantly up-to-date and highly optimized. 

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Detailed Audience Insights

Make the most of your campaign budget and maximize your impact with an interactive dashboard of in-depth insights into your custom audience’s demographics and media consumption habits.

Design a custom audience with Tunnl to see demographics and media consumption insights for your target audience
Woman using the Tunnl platform

The Insights You Need to Accelerate Your Goals

Tunnl’s audience intelligence platform helps advertisers take control of their campaigns, harness influence to drive change, and achieve their best results. 

Woman using the Tunnl platform
Success Stories

The Platform to Drive ROI

Testimonial from Danny Jester, Partner, GMMB
Testimonial from Angela Eddy, Policy Paid Media Manager, DoorDash
Testimonial from Heather Philpot, Executive Vice President, Moore

Request a Demo

Get a personalized tour of the Tunnl platform’s end-to-end solutions, tailored to your use case.



Request a Demo

Get a personalized tour of the Tunnl platform’s end-to-end solutions, tailored to your use case.




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