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What to Expect from a Tunnl Demo and How to Get the Most from It

Teddy joined Tunnl in January of 2020 and is currently the Senior Director of Account Management for Agencies.
You’ve explored your audience intelligence platform options, and you're ready to take the next step: a demo.
Our team has hosted hundreds of demos in their collective decades of audience targeting experience, so you can look forward to a highly-personalized walkthrough of the Tunnl platform from the people who helped build it. We’ll assess your needs, discuss your options, and help you decide what to do next.
But how you spend the time between now and your demo day can make a world of difference to the value you get from a Tunnl demo. The most successful sessions have momentum before they even begin, and you can get the ball rolling with a little bit of prep. We’ll share the tips that have helped hundreds of Tunnl users like you hit the ground running, so you can maximize the value of your upcoming demo.
How to Prepare for a Tunnl Demo
You can book a demo, show up, and get everything you need. No prep is required. But if you want a jumpstart on maximizing your Tunnl demo, you can do a couple of things to give yourself an edge.
1. Read ahead.
You’ll need to know a few things about Tunnl before you decide if we’re the best fit for you. We usually cover them in the first half of your demo, but that’s time we could be spending addressing your specific audience needs and ways to maximize the reach efficiency of your unique campaigns.
Knock out some recommended reading ahead of your demo to skip straight to the good stuff on our call. These are a couple of quick reads that may be helpful:
- How Tunnl Works with Agencies: What You Should (And Should Not) Expect
- How Does Tunnl Build Audiences?
And there’s more where that came from. Use our site search feature to find answers to your questions or topics related to your industry within our resource library.
2. Familiarize yourself with the platform.
Why wait for the demo to see what’s available? You can browse Tunnl's features and solutions to see which align with your campaigns.
As you look around, jot down some notes. See what’s intuitive to you. Browse the audiences available on the platform or via the audience library. View audience insights immediately and consider how you can use them. Are there any features you can’t find? What information were you hoping to see? Every instinct you have while exploring the platform can enrich your demo.
Gaining familiarity gives you a sneak peek into our demo. The more you know - and the more questions you bring - the faster we can access the tailored, insider experience you need to make an informed decision.
How to Maximize Your Tunnl Demo
Any prep you do before your Tunnl demo accelerates your time to value. Through articles and your own exploration of the Tunnl platform, you’re collecting information that clarifies your path forward. And you can use that to take your demo even further.
1. Be honest.
You already know what you need from an audience intelligence platform. You may even have an idea of what you like, dislike, and are unsure about with Tunnl. And we want to hear it all: the good, the bad, the uncertain. Come to your demo prepared to tell the truth. Our top priority is to help you find the insights you need, whether they reside with us or a competitor.
- Tell us about the audience intelligence platforms you’ve researched or used before. What features stood out to you? What will you need Tunnl to do for your media buying team? We’ll focus on the reach efficiency features that matter most to you.
- Let us know what ad platforms you use the most. Tunnl’s audience insights are the most valuable when you activate them in your ads. The platforms you prefer will shape that experience.
- Clue us in on your campaign plans. What types of campaigns are you planning? Who are you hoping to reach? There are hundreds of audiences in the Tunnl audience library, and we can help you identify the best ones for what’s in your pipeline.
Tunnl Tip: If you see an audience you want to advertise against while you’re on the demo, let us know! We can immediately send it to your preferred ad platforms so you can kickstart your campaigns right away.
Tunnl demos are designed to bring you clarity. The best way to achieve that is to lay your cards on the table so we can all start on the same page.
2. Come with questions.
You can expect honesty from Tunnl, too. We want you to pick an audience intelligence platform because it’s perfect for you, not because its ours. So, bring your toughest questions to your Tunnl platform demo.
- Grill us on pricing. Your budget is a big deal, and we want you to make the most of it. Whether you have complex projects or niche needs, we can cover any cost questions you have during your demo and afterward.
- Ask about competitors. Tunnl’s not the only audience intelligence platform in the industry, and you’re right to weigh your options. We can tell you a bit about what other platforms do well and help you accurately compare what’s out there.
- Inquire about audiences and features. These elements are the meat and potatoes of any audience intelligence platform demo. Ensure Tunnl has what you’re looking for and that you know how to use everything the platform offers.
Tunnl Tip: What would make your campaign planning experience easier? Our users heavily influence Tunnl’s product roadmap. Share your ideas to guide future updates, and so we can show you our tricks for maximizing the platform in its current iteration.
Your demo is the best opportunity to get real-time answers to your questions and click-by-click walkthroughs of the features piquing your interest. If you come to the demo with questions prepared, you’ll see more value sooner.
What Happens After a Tunnl Demo?
Your investigation doesn’t end after a demo. You’ll have more answers, have clarity on your next steps, and be connected to the Tunnl team - but the decision is still yours to make. Take your time to think through what you’ve learned; it’ll be a lot.
We're looking forward to helping you build better connections through AI-powered audience intelligence.
Feel free to reach out if new questions arise. Tunnl platform demos are about you as much as they are about the platform.