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Reach the Opinion Makers Influencing Your Target Sector

Ensure you reach top influentials within the U.S. public policy, finance, technology, and healthcare sectors. Educate, persuade, and advocate for your message among those who have a seat at the most important decision-making tables with the Tunnl Platform's Premier Audience Suite.


A woman sits before a microphone alongside a panel of fellow leaders
Premier Audience Suite

Reach the Right Leaders for Your Campaign Goals

The most efficient way to amplify your message is to go straight to the top.

You need to get your issue-based campaigns in front of the elite groups of people with the power and influence to advance your message where it matters.

In order to deliver your message efficiently, you need to reach the right audience in the right place.

With the Tunnl Platform’s Premier Audience Suite, you have access to our proprietary media consumption insights, allowing you to reach influencers in public policy, finance, technology, and healthcare where they consume media. Occupational breakdowns and in-depth demographics for each audience complete your view of the top 1% of the nation's decision-makers within the Premier Audience Suite.

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A woman sits before a microphone alongside a panel of fellow leaders

Who Can You Reach With the Premier Audience Suite?

The Premier Audience Suite delivers your campaigns to the top 1% of Opinion Makers in the nation's most critical sectors, amplifying your message through the most influential professionals in your target industry.

U.S. Policy Opinion Makers

Deliver your message directly to elite political and business decision-makers influencing policy at all levels across the nation.

Finance Opinion Makers

Target top industry influencers legislating, regulating, investing in, and reporting on the financial sector.

Technology Opinion Makers

Campaign to company executives, legislative advocates, investors, and other influential leaders in the tech industry.

Healthcare Opinion Makers

Reach influential healthcare policymakers, venture investors, and executives across the payer, provider, and life sciences sectors.

How Can You Use the Premier Audience Suite?

The Premier Audience Suite is an all-in-one solution for public affairs and advocacy advertisers that need to understand influentials in U.S. policy, finance, technology, and healthcare, and where to reach them.

What Comes With the Premier Audience Suite?

The unparalleled audience intelligence tools and powerful opinion influencer audiences of the Premier Audience Suite come alive in the Tunnl Platform, where these features enhance your messaging strategy for maximum impact.

  • Media Mixes
  • Occupational Breakdowns
  • Demographic Majority Statistics
  • In-Depth Demographics

Focus Your Campaigns on the Most Effective Channels for Your Audience

Media mixes unpack how your target group of influential professionals consume media to offer prescriptive insights on where to buy media for the maximum impact on your campaign influencers at minimal spend.

Discover how your premier audiences split their valuable time among digital, streaming, and social channels.

A laptop shows the media mix breakdown for the Premier Audience Suite's Healthcare Opinion Makers Audience in the Tunnl Platform.

Reach Influential Professionals Throughout Your Target Sector

Occupational breakdowns deliver an overview of the elite makeup of your premier audiences.

Discover what percentage of each audience holds powerful roles in the various influential subsets of your broader industry with dynamic data that updates as power changes hands.

A breakdown of the occupations represented in the U.S. Policy Opinion Makers Audience, part of Tunnl's Premier Audience Suite.

Know Who You're Reaching at a Glance

Demographic majority characteristics provide a cheat sheet to who the average influencer in your premier audience is. 

Obtain a quick persona of the average Opinion Maker in each premier audience with summarized details on their age, income, education, political party, and more.

Demographic Majority Characteristics of the U.S. Policy Opinion Makers audience in Tunnl's Premier Audience Suite

Understand Exactly Who is Influencing Your Industry

In-depth demographics visualize the age, sex, education, income, political party, etc. of who is in your premier audiences.

Cultivate a deeper understanding of the influencers your campaigns will reach with this thorough analysis of each audience’s demography.

A laptop screen shows audience demographics for the Premier Audience Suite's Technology Opinion Makers Audience in the Tunnl Platform

Related Resources & Reports

Learn more about the importance of reaching the decision makers who can most directly drive change in your campaign's favor. 


What Is An Opinion Maker?

How Does Tunnl Build Its Premier Audiences?

How Do You Get Started Using the Premier Audience Suite?

Get Started Using Tunnl's Premier Audience Suite

Should you want to influence real change with your campaigns, it’s vital that your strategy includes audience insights that help you reach the right people of influence for your message. Get a personalized demo of the Premier Audience Suite today. 

Need Something More Custom?

Learn more about building custom audience solutions tailored to your campaigns.